Roofing Appt. – PartVI Wiring & Other Things:

This part of the roof appointment’s inspection may not seem necessary during the initial bidding process – but it is. Electical, ducting, cables, and phone wires are just a few of the many items that may be running through your attic.
This part of the roof appointment’s inspection may not seem necessary during the initial bidding process – but it is. Electical, ducting, cables, and phone wires are just a few of the many items that may be running through your attic.
These are codes that dictate where they are supposed to be run and how they are supposed to be attached – but those rules are often ignore. When installing a new roof, we do not want to penetrate or damage any of these lines. Finding the damage can often be impossible and it may also become a safety issue in the future.
Make sure your roofing representative is aware of any items in the attic that may be run close to the roof deck. He or she will also take a good look so these concerns can be addressed by moving or avoiding these trouble areas.