Skylights and Roofing – Done Together?
“Somethings go better together, like peanut butter and jelly” goes the old saying. Well, if you inserted roofing and skylights instead of peanut butter and jelly it might make even more “cents”.
“Somethings go better together, like peanut butter and jelly” goes the old saying. Well, if you inserted roofing and skylights instead of peanut butter and jelly it might make even more “cents”.
If you are thinking about having a new roof installed on your home and it has existing skylights that are older than 15 years, it might make sense to replace them during the new roof installation. Skylights wear out. They are windows that take the most amount of abuse from the elements since they are facing the sun and rain directly.
Here’s the problem. When your roofing contractor is preparing to install the new roofing material, the existing skylights must be removed to allow for rot repair / ice and water wrap / installation of new flashings. Since the skylight is already off, it is not generally that much more of an expense to just slip a new one on.
The good news is that now the contractor’s roofing warranty covers the entire roof and all skylights. Threre is nothing worse than getting a leak around the old skylights and trying to figure out who is responsible. Also, most new skylights will be rated higher in energy efficiences – for both summer and winter.
So as the old saying goes, somethings go better together like …. fill-in your own lyric, but don’t forget about roofing and skylights.