Getting A Roof Quote this Summer?

If you’re planning on having a new roof installed this summer, finding a qualified roofing contractor may not be such an easy task. Obviously you can find a roofer by typing into Google’s search engine “Portland Roofing Contractors” and within a half second Google says it has found over 50 pages of matches. However, type in “Qualified Portland Roofing Contractors” and Google search still thinks there are over a thousand prospects for you to contact.
If you’re planning on having a new roof installed this summer, finding a qualified roofing contractor may not be such an easy task. Obviously you can find a roofer by typing into Google’s search engine “Portland Roofing Contractors” and within a half second Google says it has found over 50 pages of matches. However, type in “Qualified Portland Roofing Contractors” and Google search still thinks there are over a thousand prospects for you to contact. However, if the search criteria was really accurate and specific you might get back 10 to 15 qualified, licensed, experienced, dependable, trustworthy, and certified roofing contractors in the Portland area. Wouldn’t that be nice. But Googles algorithm did not get to meet each of the contractors and go over a list of requirements with them. Nor did they get to base their decision on a face to face meeting. No, Google just like many folks, looked at their advertisements and web pages and decided they might be the contractor for you. Would you let Google hire your next babysitter based on a web search?
Next Blog Post – You have your list of potential roofers. Now it’s time that you created your very own algorithm to sort them out and find the right roofing company for you.