Are Finding Roofing Leaks Difficult?

This has been one heck of a wet winter when you look at the rain gauge for the Portland Metro area. So it wasn’t unusal this year to have the phone ringing off the hook with customer’s hoping to repair their leaking roofs.
This has been one heck of a wet winter when you look at the rain gauge for the Portland Metro area. So it wasn’t unusal this year to have the phone ringing off the hook with customer’s hoping to repair their leaking roofs.
The funny thing about roof leaks (around 50%) are not roof leaks at all, but rather something else. The picture above was the taken as the result of a “roof leak” investigation. It started with the usual phone call about how their new roof is leaking and ruining their newly painted ceilings. We immediately sent a crew out to inspect the area and reset the pipe flashing, even though it appeared to have been installed perfectly. Days later the same phone call came in, so now we had to dive into what else could be going on that’s not related to the roof, but could be a source of moisture?
We started by removing the composition roofing shingles from the area and pulling some of the plywood deck so as to allow for an observation hole. Sure enough, the recently installed high effeciency furnace intake and exhaust pipes was poorly fitted together and lay apart. All that moisture and exhaust was being pumped into their roof attic space and condensating, then running down as a “roof leak”.
So when your roof leaks and it was installed by a professional roofing contractor, call them immediately – but keep an open mind.