Are you Insured? Questions You Should Ask Your Roofer.
Safety and Insurance go hand in hand. Without a sound roof top safety program you would not for very long keep your workman’s compensation insurance. And without insurance, you’re not legally allowed to perform roofing services.
Safety and Insurance go hand in hand. Without a sound roof top safety program you would not for very long keep your workman’s compensation insurance. And without insurance, you’re not legally allowed to perform roofing services.
However, some roofing contractors would rather take their chances when it comes to insurance: it isn’t cheap. Developing and implementing a functional safety program is time consuming and many roofing companies would rather just skip that part. If you hire a roofing contractor that is not providing insurnace or is skimping out on the proper coverage, your property and home are at risk.
Make sure one of the first questions that you ask any potential roofer is about their insurance coverage and safety program. Good roofing companies who do quality work know the importance of safety.